Presently, the number of people working as freelancers is massive, and so is the rate of their success story. According to reports from spendmenot, freelancers could rise to 80% of the global workforce by 2030, according to experts.

In the US, over 57 million people freelance, and they earned close to $1 trillion in 2019. This benefit is not only limited to the freelancers as freelance platforms like Upwork makes more than $301 million in capital connecting freelancers and employers.

Below are some of the importance of joining the global freelance market.

·       Massive Flexibility of Location  

Freelancing releases you from the shackles of rigid work hours as there is no need to sweat on a 9-to-5 job. There is availability and dominance of freelance opportunities at the tips of your fingers whenever you want to work.

There is no need to work from the office because it allows you to work from home while supporting your younger siblings or children.

With just a stable internet connection, you can pursue a passion project (part-time or full-time) on freelancing platforms such as Freelancers, Fiverr, Upwork, and so on, right from the comfort of your home, which will bring in enough cash to foot your bills.

Based on research, 46% of US freelancers say that they get the flexibility they're seeking.

·         Freelancing provides unlimited options

Research has shown that about 45% of freelancers offer skilled services, while 30% provide unskilled services. You can earn as much as $28 on average if you're offering specialized freelance services.

These unlimited options provided will allow you to choose the best project that's most suitable for your lifestyle, skillset, and time.

There are no challenges when entering, and the increase in technology has made it more possible for freelancers to make a few extra dollars. Mainly because it’s now easier to find independent work projects.

·         A chance to earn more

Freelancing permits individuals to get more clients beyond any geographic barriers, which helps a person go beyond geography and go for the best rewards.

The amount of money you’ll earn more is dependent on the years of experience that you possessed.

According to experts, the average salary of freelancers with at least three years of experience is $70,536, which is a whole lot of money.

When compared to a traditional job, there is a vast difference in the average salary. And this made more than half of freelancers deciding that they won't switch back to their traditional work.

·         Freelancing offers safety cushions

By joining the global freelance market, you will be leaving behind the mad scramble to find a traditional job.

And this will take the stress out of a job searching for freelancing by offering employees a sustainable cushion of income.

According to research, Freelance platforms provide gigs for close to 73% of freelancers.



In recent years, the number of freelancers joining the global freelance market has massively increased, and it's not going to reduce anytime soon.

You need to join the global freelance market now because it has given many individuals the chance to pursue livelihoods that were formerly difficult to enter right from any location.

You can either work as a full-time or part-time worker. Though research has shown that only 21% of full-time freelancers call themselves "freelancers."


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